




[rinlife radio 更新情報]Designer's voice - KUDEN by TAKAHIRO SATO

[rinlife radio 更新情報]Designer's voice

こんばんは!スタッフのAsamiです。 つい先ほどrinlife radioのTak Designer's voiceの収録を致しました〜 こちらのコーナーはTak、Asami、Sena三人のゆるゆるトーク&最新情報お披露目になります。 今回のお話のテーマは… ・和モードコーデ応援プレゼントのご応募ありがとうございました! ・新型3つの最新情報 ・新プロジェクト チャリティ企画について ・お悩み相談 ぜひ家事やリラックスタイムのお供にどうぞ♪ 今週もお疲れ様でした〜 ▼Spotifyの再生はこちらから
- 良いものを長く大切に使う為に - KUDENコンシェルジュはじめました - KUDEN by TAKAHIRO SATO

- 良いものを長く大切に使う為に - KUDENコンシェルジュはじめました

Hi everyone, it's designer Tak.

I begin new service "KUDEN Concierge".
It comes from my thoughts that “ I want customers to use our clothes for a long time with joy and care. ”
Designer’s Voice "New Product named! Samurai Mode Juban Shirt & Samurai Mode Pants II" - KUDEN by TAKAHIRO SATO

Designer’s Voice "New Product named! Samurai Mode Juban Shirt & Samurai Mode Pants II"

☆英語Verの下に日本語Verを書いています。 Hello everyone. It’s designer Tak.As I told you before on blog, we finished photoshooting for new product. They became very beautiful photos.Model and photographer works very hard with passion...
Designer’s Voice “New piece of Samurai Mode Series” - KUDEN by TAKAHIRO SATO

Designer’s Voice “New piece of Samurai Mode Series”


Hello everyone.
I’m Tak, designer of KUDEN.

From today, I write about KUDEN, new clothes, activities and so on in this blog.
KUDEN has started only since a year before yet but we reaches here because a lot of people support us.
I’ll write about that little by little too.
First, I share latest activities of KUDEN.
Samurai Mode Series Daily outfits MANGA #3 - KUDEN by TAKAHIRO SATO

Samurai Mode Series Daily outfits MANGA #3

The stylist, model and writer for this outfit is a KUDEN staff Irene. I visited to Italy last summer July for photo shooting. At that time, Irene played roles as Model, stylist and taking care of our business journey in Italy.
Samurai Mode Series Daily outfits MANGA #2 - KUDEN by TAKAHIRO SATO

Samurai Mode Series Daily outfits MANGA #2

We think it’s ethical to consider and select fair trade products considered working environment, organic and eco material that friendly to people and environment.
Samurai Mode Series Daily outfits MANGA #1 - KUDEN by TAKAHIRO SATO

Samurai Mode Series Daily outfits MANGA #1

We think it’s ethical to consider and select fair trade products considered working environment, organic and eco material that friendly to people and environment.
Designer’s Voice #3 - KUDEN by TAKAHIRO SATO

Designer’s Voice #3

-When is the start as designer for you?
When I was a child, I like create something, take something apart and check how it is.Sometime my mother had trouble because I took all watch and toy in my home apart.
Designer’s Voice #2 - KUDEN by TAKAHIRO SATO

Designer’s Voice #2

-What is new kimono suitable for modern daily life?
What I do first when I begin is wearing vintage kimono and haori.There is a word “温故知新”(on-ko-chi-shin).
Designer’s Voice #1 - KUDEN by TAKAHIRO SATO

Designer’s Voice #1

Hello everyone. From today, we will introduce our designer’s history, philosophy, vision e.t.c. in batches.

Our partner sewing factory Marron Co., Ltd. went bankrupt because of the effect of cost reduction for subcontracting company etc. - KUDEN by TAKAHIRO SATO

Our partner sewing factory Marron Co., Ltd. went bankrupt because of the effect of cost reduction for subcontracting company etc.

Today, I have a very important announcement to you.
I had a call yesterday from president of Marron Co, Ltd., our partner sewing factory.
And she said Marron went bankrupt.
Our precious partner went out of business.