Designer's Voice
八掛パーツはSamurai mode skirt HAKKAKEの専用パーツです。
このSamurai mode skirt HAKKAKEは、着物の”八掛“にフォーカスしました。八掛は着物の裏地の色違いの部分を差し、歩くたびに表地とは違う色や柄の裏地がちらりと覗く粋なお洒落をスカートで表現しています。
-Takahiro Sato
What is HAKKAKE?
Hakkake is one of the parts used in a traditional kimono.It is attached to the inside of the hem and cuffs, and is glimpsed when a person moves, such as when walking lightly or when moving one's hands through the cuffs.It not only adds color to the appearance of the kimono, but also plays a practical role in protecting the outer fabric from friction with the hands and feet that move around a lot.In traditional kimonos, the Hakkake, which is especially subject to a lot of friction, could be worn out, and by replacing and re-tailoring only the Hakkake, the kimono could be worn with care for a long time.You can enjoy dressing in various styles with color combinations, such as using the same color for the outer fabric and Hakkake, or daring to use a different color to make it stand out.