Receive the award and Release the interview for creator of ReAct

Receive the award and Release the interview for creator of ReAct - KUDEN by TAKAHIRO SATO
KUDEN Samurai Mode PV -ReAct-
"ReAct" PV of KUDEN will be released on Superfest Disability Film Festival with audio description and also receive the Special jury Award from The 9th Athens International Digital Film Festival .

Thoughts "Making better working environment that both producer and customer can smile" "Don't want someone important to wear the fashion at the expense of others" is expressed by wheelchair dancer Kenta Kambara who performed on closing ceremony  in Rio Paralympic by his dance.

Simultaneously global released on Superfest Disability Film Festival at 17th October PT.

You can know more about ReAct on special page.

Special page of Samurai Mode PV "ReAct"

Special Interview for creators of “ReAct” is published
Also we publish the interview for creators of ReAct, Wheelchair dancer Kenta Kambara, Directore Nobuyuki Arai and representative&designer Takahiro Sato talk about the background story of creation. We're sure you can enjoy ReAct more if you see this interview.
Let's check and know their story.
(※This interview was recorded on August in 2019)

You can read this interview on the article in Ethical magazine rinlife.

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