KUDEN by TAKAHIRO SATOのグローバルアンバサダー・みさまるさんとデザイナーTakahiro Satoの対談の模様をお届けします。何故アンバサダーをオファーし、何故引き受けたのか、KUDENについての思い、そして着物に関する互いの考えや撮影の思い出など、パート毎に分けた大ボリュームの内容でお届けします。
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PV "ReAct" showed the brand world of KUDEN by dance is published on 18th October at same time with Superfest Disability Film Festival .
Wheelchair dancer Kenta Kambara, Director Nobuyuki Arai and representative of KUDEN & Designer Takahiro Sato answered interview about their thoughts and how to create this 4 minute 10 seconds video.
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Wheelchair dancer Kenta Kambara, Director Nobuyuki Arai and representative of KUDEN & Designer Takahiro Sato answered interview about their thoughts and how to create this 4 minute 10 seconds video.