Samurai Mode jacket on some media

Happy X’mas!
Your greatest support may give me 1000% goal. Thank you so much!!
Jackets that backers pledge will plan to start sewing after 11th Jun. in 2019 at Japanese sewing factory in Kanuma. Please wait and looking forward it!
Today, I share our media info, some web media write about my jacket.

New samurai jackets, shirts and pants bring traditional Japanese fashion back to the streets
“Takahiro Sato, the designer of Kuden’s new Samurai Mode Series, says the inspiration for the range came about when he was sorting through his mother’s personal effects after she passed away. He found her kimono and his own haori and hakama set, which he’d worn as a young boy, and was overcome with memories and a desire to wear traditional clothing again.
The idea of “rebooting” these garments led to the birth of Kuden’s modern-day range, which aims to help people feel the “spirit of samurai” in their everyday clothing.”
from SoraNews24
[Japan Today]
New samurai jackets, shirts and pants bring traditional Japanese fashion back to the streets
ดีไซเนอร์ญี่ปุ่นจัดระดมทุน ดัดแปลงชุดซามูไรเป็นเสื้อคลุมแฟชั่นสมัยใหม่
着物のDNAを引き継いだ新スタイルのジャケット「Samurai Mode jacket」が登場!
And more...
There are some people talk about jacket on SNS, thanks a lot!
There is a few remaining my project. I try my best to make you be proud of me!