Ethical chart
Easy to understand visually how ethical by chart
KUDEN’s ethical chart shows ethical rate based on our original method and value by 6 point and 5 grade evaluation.

About impact on the natural environment.
Based on material and process of produce.
Chemical fabric and processing damage nature, ocean , animals and also all living thing. KUDEN never make the product at the expense of not only “someone” but also “something”( nature, animal e.t.c.)

Fair pay and schedule for factory and any other working people.
Short team order and low-paying job in spite of mass production, those working environment caused tragic matter. Never cause those affair again, make the working place where people feel happy to work. KUDEN hope all people related to our production feel so not only us, and also we must do it.

Touch, feel, comfortable to wear.
We mark the score if the product make comfortable to people by design and material. How is texture like? Don’t be looked bigger? Feel heavy? KUDEN consider those “comfortable to wear” not only designability.

The value, originality and reproducibility of the design
Is this product has individual design that not instead of other one? Or is this product has high reproducibility like “ often see in other brand “? We mark the score by those value of design. KUDEN aim high designability and made by material that good for natural environment.

Safe material for health
Is the material for this product are brought up without agricultural chemicals? We must worry about endemic poison( it means absorbs the poison/toxic chemicals through our skin by product that we use in daily life) for those chemical material and also what was brought up with it. KUDEN consider the health for people that wear our product.

Easy to wear, keep, care and fit for our life
The features like a traditional costume, some clothes has a not match point to modern daily life. Difficult to wear for people who not familiar with, material is not good for environment ( like temperature and humidity) these days , a lot work to care…e.t.c. In this “Functionality” point, we mark the score if the product has enough or good function for our daily life.
Example of ethical chart
Check the chart for general product.

Kind of comfortable, the reproducibility is good so it’s mean good shape for mass production. But mass production and short cycle for each product , almost fast fashion brand make it work as business because of them, pull down the consideration for both natural environment and working environment involved with their production. In addition, these mass production makes another big problem , it’s mass disposal to protect the value of the brand. Mass disposal deeply connected with problem for natural environment Cheap payment and too short schedule for factory is one of the big problem for working environment. Of course many companies get to be trying to fix those problem but still those problem are rooted in the fast fashion business world.
In case of a high quality organic cotton dress

Best score for natural environment and health hazard , of course. In addition, for designability, 100% organic fabric doesn’t be used chemically dye and processing so color variation and texture is limited by their own features. So organic fashion tend to be similar design and style.
**these chart and evaluation is marked by our original criterion. Please understand this premise. Also please understand that charts except for what about our KUDEN original product is just a sample of those fashion world.
Ethical chart for Samurai Mode Jacket by KUDEN

One of the KUDEN’s “Next Kimono”.We write a detail on product page.

KUDEN promise you that we keep thinking.
We show clearly those our situation and reason why and how this product is ethical or not by our ethical chart. We will make and show this chart about all KUDEN original product in the future too. If we change the material or other cost , our ethical chart is changed. KUDEN keep update our current situation and show it with transparency. We promise that we’ll keep on thinking and making an effort.