Designer's Voice
“KUDENのフラグシップであるSamurai Mode Pants IIがとても好評で、より毎日Pantsを履きたいという声を頂いて機能を一部削ぎ落とし、その分シルエットと着心地を重視し再デザインしました。軽やかな履き心地はそのままに毎日履いても飽きないシンプルなHAKAMA Pantsを作ってみました。ぜひ楽しんでください。”
-Takahiro Sato
Stretch fabric is used for greater ease of movement
Bold wide pants with hakama motif made of stretch fabric.
Very light and easy to move in when squatting or walking.
Water-absorbent and quick-drying, comfortable to wear every day.
Easy-care : Home care OK
Can be gently hand-washed and ironed at home.
Unisex wide pants style that lets you walk with the wind in your step
Designed with a hem width that is not too obtrusive.