春はあけぼの - Daybreak of Spring -

Japanese is known as one of the most difficult languages in the world.
However, because of this, it has a wide range of expressions, and there are many "beautiful Japanese" from ancient to modern words.
Here, we would like to introduce some of the "Beautiful Japanese" selected by the KUDEN team as "Beautiful Letters."
The shape of the letters is of course beautiful, but if you know the meaning, you can feel the depth of the beauty even more.
We hope you enjoy it.
Today's Beautiful Japanese
Daybreak of Spring
Read : haru wa akebono
Source: The Pillow Book of Sei Shonagon
Period: Heian period
Author: Sei Shonagon[ Meaning ]
In spring, the dawn is wonderful.
The Pillow Book is an essay written by Sei Shonagon in the Heian period.
In modern terms, it is more like a short essay.
The beginning of this essay is so famous in Japan.
What do you like about each season, spring, summer, fall, and winter?
In short words, she describes what she likes about each season.
The words are short, but they are spelled out in descriptions that make you nod your head.
Sei Shonagon wrote ( directly meaning only )
"Spring is the dawn.
The mountains are gradually fading into white, and purplish clouds flutter thinly in the light."
Japan is welcoming spring.
It makes me want to get up a little earlier and watch the sun rise over the mountains in the distance.