However, because of this, it has a wide range of expressions, and there are many "beautiful Japanese" from ancient to modern words.
Here, we would like to introduce some of the "Beautiful Japanese" selected by the KUDEN team as "Beautiful Letters."
The shape of the letters is of course beautiful, but if you know the meaning, you can feel the depth of the beauty even more.
We hope you enjoy learning Japanese language not often listed in textbooks.
Today's Beautiful Japanese
nounRead : Uzuki (うづき)
Daily use: Not often but many people know
[ Meaning ]
Fourth month of the lunar calendar.
Uzuki (卯月) is the name of a traditional month that is unique to Japan and refers to the month of April. This name deeply reflects the nature and culture of Japan.
The name "卯月" is based on the beautiful blooming of the "卯の花 (flowers of deutzia)" around the month of April.
The white, elegant flowers of the Deutzia symbolize the arrival of the season.
The month in which the Utsugi (Deutzia) flowers are in full bloom = Uzuki , also called "卯花月(U no Hana Zuki)"
Other variant names for April, "植月" which refers to the planting of rice in the rice paddies( plant means "植える" in Japanese and "植" is pronounced "U" same as "卯"), and "木葉採月(Konoha Tori Tsuki)=Month of collecting tree leaves" which refers to the month of harvesting mulberry leaves for silkworms to eat.
The name "Uzuki" is a very simple expression of Japan's beautiful nature and the agricultural culture that has been nurtured in this environment.