3 pieces kimono style of Japanese - 和 - Mode
Samurai Mode Series is our Next kimono by 3 pieces kimono style without special technique to wear.
This is the clothes for people who loves kimono.
Winner of A’Design Award 2022 that one of the most biggest international design competition in social category from Italy.

More smart wellhoned silhouette like Katana
Samurai Mode Seriesは着物の良さを現代の洋服に宿らせるようデザインしています。
Easy Daily kimono style
You can wear with Jacket and cardigan like your another shirt. Also recommend to wear with vintage haori and make your kimono style easily.


腰回りで留める二箇所の紐で調節することにより 伝統的なkimonoに比べ、締め付けが少ない快適な着心地を生み出します。

Version up from I to II
Refine the silhouette to look the body line more sharp. Express the sharp waist line like when we wear kimono with Obi belt.
Change the angle of front and place of strings , it's hard to open the front and make more solid impression. Express the cool front look by design.