We announce that we start our new magazine.

Hello everyone, we’re KUDEN. Today, we announce that we start our new magazine. KUDEN original magazine “ rinlife “ pre-start on web We send the contents of magazine through this mail magazine first. Our “rinlife” will deliver you the useful information to people who have a thoughtful life or want to live with thoughtful mind, KUDEN’s daily work, life, thought, notice through thoughtful life and study and so on.

Running story of rinlife


Story, voice from Takahiro Sato who is a designer of KUDEN. Thoughts as designer, dailylife and practice for “ethical”.


【comic essay Ethical Letter】

Original short comic essay (MANGA) about ethical to people who want to study about ethical. Useful information about ethical that we also study. Share you by comic that easy to understand.


【Good morning,world!】

Introduction people who have a thoughtful life all over the world. What is their daily life begins by “good morning”?


And more, we have another plan and projects. If you some opinion and requests, please contact us. We’ll use your voice that as reference from now on. Through this mail magazine, we will send latest news of KUDEN and also contents of " rinlife " faster than another one. Looking forward to next our “rinfife”…

KUDEN staff


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