Media published : Interview for Designer Tak by Turkish Author

Hello, thank you so much for always support us.
We announce that interview of our Designer Takahiro Sato is published in 3 language.
Interviewer Özlem Burcu Öztürk
Her book will be published in Japan on September 2020
Interviewer is Özlem Burcu Öztürk.
She is a Author, Culture Blogger, Scriptwriter, Documentary Director.
To establish a bridge of culture between Japan and Turkey, she has written articles on her website and online magazine.
Also she publishes 3 books and her 3rd book “The Guardians Series Book 1 - Dream” will be published in Japanese.
Why she publishes in Japanese is
“I have interests on Japanese culture. Also movie and music too. On my blog, I share what I learn about Japanese culture day after day.
Or rather Japanese culture is the source of my energy.”
- from (Japanese)
Let’s see Tak by her view , familiar with and love Japanese culture.
【English ▼ Interview: Award-Winning Kimono Designer Sato TAKAHIRO】
【Turkish ▼ Röportaj:Ödüllü Kimono Tasarımcısı Sato TAKAHIRO】
【Japanese ▼ インタビュー: アワード受賞着物デザイナー 佐藤貴浩】