In this mail magazine, 【KUDEN by TAKAHIRO SATO】 will send you topics such as Japanese culture including kimono, fashion, lifestyle, and behind-the-scenes stories of creators every Friday, written by fashion designer Takahiro Sato.I became a fashion designer at the age of 43 to create a place to work with my son who has a disability, and I am challenging myself as a creator and manager to go overseas. I will share with you my personal viewpoints and perspectives that I cannot easily share on my website.


┃K┃U┃D┃E┃N┃【 凛rin life 】
/ Issued 28th April, 2023 /


… 1. News
… 2. Catch up
… 3. Original serialization for KUDEN Charity , Novel “KUDEN Samurai Sword Jam”
 Ep.04 Samurai-Dan 02
… 4. The World of Bunraku Ningyo Joruri  - a Traditional Japanese Performing Art -  03
… 5. Q&A
… 6. Media & Serials and introduction of mail magazine serial-contents


■ 1. News


#Clothes for people who love kimonos #Japanese Modestyle

KUDEN by TAKAHIRO SATO is a brand created to get people interested in traditional kimono with a modern kimono style that does not need special dressmaking.

April will soon be over. The cherry blossom season is already over in Japan, and the spring days have been very different in temperature from one day to the next. I hope you are all feeling well. (In Japan, there is a long holiday weekend in May.) Whether you are able to rest or work like me, please take care of yourself so that you do not get sick.

Many of KUDEN's store events and crowdfunding events also close on April 30, so please don't forget to check them out.

Also, our staff is working hard to prepare an extra issue of our newsletter in May to announce our review campaign.

We will provide you with a coupon to be used instock if you promise to write a review. Instock products are products that can be shipped in 3 business days.
Normally, KUDEN clothes are sold at a regular price, but as a reward for writing a review, we are offering a discount coupon for a limited time to help you save money and wear KUDEN clothes as soon as possible. We hope you will enjoy this campaign as well.

Samurai Mode Kimono Gown crowdfunding challenge is ongoing!
※End in 30th April 23:59 (JST)!

Thank you for your support!
We will make it with great care and deliver it to you.

Samurai Mode Kimono Gown

One piece can be worn as a kimono style or a cool gown style.

This Japanese-style kimono gown is made with Japanese domestic sewing and fabrics and can be easily worn in kimono style without the need for special technique to wear.

Up to 20% off through April 30 at crowdfunding!


【Oversea customers】
¥95,100(Goal is ¥100,000)
Last 2Days

【Japanese Customers】
¥2,022,692(Goal is ¥100,000)
Last 2Days

We have also received individual inquiries from customers who are unsure of their size selection. A video of our staff members Asami and Sena trying on size S gowns is available on our crowdfunding activity report. We will continue to share the appeal of the Kimono gowns in our activity report.

CAMPFIRE Activity Report

Kickstarter Updates

If you are not sure which size to choose, please feel free to contact KUDEN by e-mail, LINE, or messenger.

【1 Piece looking like kimono ~ Samurai mode Kimono Gown Release celebration
Samurai Mode Jacket -Eco- order event

To celebrate the release of Samurai Mode Kimono Gown, which symbolizes KUDEN by TAKAHIRO SATO's back to roots, we hold an order event with up to 12% off.

Through the crowdfunding campaign for Kimono Gown, we wanted to let many people know about KUDEN by TAKAHIRO SATO and decided to hold an order event for the Samurai Mode Jacket, the flagship of KUDEN.
Usually, 5% off is offered at the order event due to the rising cost of raw materials, but we are offering a special price to commemorate the release of this item.
The items are 10% off the Samurai Mode Jacket -Eco- in Black x Black, 12% off the custom model with Black outer fabric and your choice of lining color, and 12% off the Samurai Mode Jacket -Eco- in Black x Black.

My design preference, the Samurai Mode Jacket -Eco- custom model is filled with the aesthetics of invisible fashion and glimpses of fashion.
The lining is available in your choice of three colors: Bordeaux, Blue Green, Pink
If you are interested in the colors of the custom model, we have made a video for crowdfunding, so please check it out as well.

【Video】Introduction of Jacket Custom model - Eco -

If you have been wondering about this, please don't miss this opportunity as we will be back to 5% off for the next ordering event.

The deadline is May 7.

!Deadline: end of April!

【Vintage Haori is practically free? Spring Japanese Mode Promotion!】We are currently holding the Spring Japanese Mode Promotion, which has been well-received since last week.Vintage Haori are one-of-a-kind. The earlier the better, so if you find a Vintage Haori you like, please check it out as soon as possible.
Please enjoy the easy Japanese-Western coordination & Japanese-mode coordination by combining KUDEN clothes with Vintage Haori.
If you purchase the Vintage Haori together with the target item, the Vintage Haori will be free of charge on the payment screen. (Shipping fee will be charged).
Limited time offer! Don't miss it!
For more information, please visit

[Crowdfunding] Samurai Mode Kimono Gown

[Crowdfunding] Samurai Mode Kimono Gown


Shop now
[Spring Pre tailor-made] Samurai Mode Jacket -Eco-

[Spring Pre tailor-made] Samurai Mode Jacket -Eco-

¥39,000 ¥35,100

Shop now
[Spring Pre tailor-made] Samurai Mode Jacket Eco -Custom model-

[Spring Pre tailor-made] Samurai Mode Jacket Eco -Custom model-

¥47,800 ¥42,064

Shop now
Samurai Mode Blouse

Samurai Mode Blouse


Shop now
Samurai Mode Juban Shirt

Samurai Mode Juban Shirt


Shop now
Samurai Mode Shirt II

Samurai Mode Shirt II


Shop now
Samurai Mode Shirt II -Short Sleeve-

Samurai Mode Shirt II -Short Sleeve-


Shop now
Samurai Mode Shirt II - KASANE - Color&Collar

Samurai Mode Shirt II - KASANE - Color&Collar


Shop now
Samurai Mode Shirt II - KASANE - Color&Collar short

Samurai Mode Shirt II - KASANE - Color&Collar short


Shop now
Samurai Mode Shirt II - KASANE - Lace Collar

Samurai Mode Shirt II - KASANE - Lace Collar


Shop now
Samurai Mode Shirt II - KASANE - Lace Collar short

Samurai Mode Shirt II - KASANE - Lace Collar short


Shop now
Samurai Mode Vneck Tshirt

Samurai Mode Vneck Tshirt


Shop now


■ 2. Catch up

Hello everyone. I am Takahiro Sato, aka Tak, the designer.
Our crowdfunding campaign for Kimono gowns, whose theme is " back to the roots" both in terms of clothes and brand, will soon be over. This crowdfunding is the earliest opportunity for you to receive your gowns, so please don't miss it.

Today, I am writing this recent update after going to a meeting this morning with the sewing factory that will be in charge of sewing the Kimono gowns.
I am relieved to hear that the production of Kimono gowns, which many of you have supported, will be ready without a hitch.

We sincerely appreciate your support. We will sew and deliver each garment carefully and wholeheartedly.

In this issue, we would like to excerpt the text of the greeting from the crowdfunding campaign. What I have written here is not only about the crowdfunding, but also about the future direction of KUDEN.

If you have not read it, we hope you will read it, even though it is long.

■Greetings and Wishes for Your Support


Hello, I am Takahiro Sato, Designer of KUDEN by TAKAHIRO SATO. The reason why I started KUDEN is to create a place for my son, who is mentally disabled and autistic, to work together in the future. Our goal is to have a Japanese and Western sewing factory in Nikko, where people with disabilities can be employed.

KUDEN is a Japanese mode brand that creates "clothes for people who love kimono” in Japan and overseas for those who would like to wear kimono someday or for those who can wear kimono but are too busy to wear it. KUDEN is committed to using Japanese domestic fabrics and sewing, and pursues how to reproduce the enjoyment and charm of the kimono in clothing. 

KUDEN clothes are loved by young people and people overseas who love kimonos and Japanese culture as the first clothes to get them interested in traditional kimonos.


【Wishes for Your Support】

Would you like to support us by Wearing KUDEN & Share ?

KUDEN is a small independent fashion brand that I started at the age of 43 as a fashion designer after studying on my own to create a place to work (employment for people with disabilities) for my son with intellectual disabilities and autism who lived apart from me at the time.  It all started in 2018 when we launched the Samurai Mode series on here kickstarter, the first 3-piece kimono style Samurai Mode series. The design was completed in 3 pieces (jacket, shirt, and pants), but even then we didn't have enough money and only the jacket was able to be commercialized...that was the start.

Since then, we have released pants and shirts, and our clothes have evolved into Samurai Mode Pants II, Samurai Mode Shirt II, and so on, with designs that have been loved for 10 years and refined. 

However, to be honest, it has been two years since the company was established, and during that time we have experienced the COVID disaster, which prevented us from sending products to our overseas customers for about a year and a half, and we have been affected by the rising cost of raw materials due to the situation in Russia and Ukraine. The situation in Russia and Ukraine has also had an impact on the price of raw materials.

Even though we could not employ people with disabilities, we wanted to do something, so we designed a bag in collaboration with a welfare center that provides continuous employment support for people with disabilities, and in 2021, we organized a charity project to create jobs at a sewing factory and at a welfare center in Japan. With the support of many people, we have been creating jobs such as sewing bags, printing T-shirts, producing goods such as badges, and shipping items to the welfare center, paying wages, and making donations from KUDEN's sales (we had to take some of the money out because we were in the red).

Through this crowdfunding campaign, we would like to ask for your support in making KUDEN known not only as a fashion brand, but also as an initiative to create a place for children with disabilities to work.

In anticipation of Japan's aging society and declining population that will lead to an economic downturn in the future, I aim to please my customers overseas who love Japanese culture with products designed with my interpretation of modern kimono and Japanese culture, and to employ people with disabilities without relying on government subsidies.  

Why not rely on government subsidies? I have experience working for a major toy manufacturer, where I was in charge of employment for people with disabilities.

Through charity, I also learned about the current employment of people with disabilities and welfare support in Japan. With all the concern about social security for the so called "healthy" people, is it possible that support for children with disabilities like my son will automatically become more generous? If so! I started KUDEN as a business owner who once went bankrupt and had a frightening experience.

Five years have passed since then. Due to a series of circumstances, I started to raise my son for the first time in 10 years. I have to take my son to his special needs school every day and see the children there. Once I have made a connection with them, it is impossible for me to ignore them. 

My son's graduation ceremony. The school is integrated with the elementary, junior high, and high schools, so I was able to watch the high school graduation ceremony in front of my eyes. The children, who had a hard time even entering the hall at elementary school, responded in a splendid manner and received their diplomas from the principal. Even though I did not witness the time they passed , I was moved to tears just imagining the journey the children and their parents had taken to get there. And then there is "reality" in front of me.

"The children who have graduated from high school have no place to work”, and "they are anxious about life after their parents' deaths."

The school's teachers repeatedly encouraged KUDEN to do its best in employing people with disabilities. My impulse to dream of a place to work with my son could no longer be contained by him alone. I want to hire all of these children! I have to do my best. 

The theme of this year's Samurai Mode Kimono Gown is "back to the roots," which has two meanings: one is "back to the roots" as a design concept of looking like a kimono in a single piece. The other is a "back to the roots" as the reason for starting KUDEN, which is to create a place for children with disabilities to work.
I think the clothes have become symbolic of these two things.

Even if KUDEN grows, there is a limit to the number of children with disabilities it can employ. We would like KUDEN to capture a new success story in these fast-paced times (that employing people with disabilities can be a global success) and create an example for the younger generation of business owners and creators to imitate. That way, even if I can only hire 10 people with disabilities, if 10 other managers increase their number, it will lead to hiring 100 people. I have risked my personal fortune and my life for such a dream, and although I am a late bloomer at the age of 43, I am struggling daily as a self-taught fashion designer, as a business owner who went bankrupt and is trying again, and as a father of a disabled son.

We are still a small brand with little money and not much budget for advertising, but we have come this far through creativity, ingenuity, and the support of many kind-hearted people who share KUDEN's philosophy.

My sincere thanks to you for reading this long story so far. Please lend us your support. Through this crowdfunding, please support us to let many people know about KUDEN. If you love kimonos or like my Japanese-mode clothing designs, please support me by wearing my clothes. KUDEN's clothes are made with Japanese fabrics and high quality sewing techniques, so you will be able to use them for 4 to 5 years, and we have a concierge service to help you keep them. We hope that you will support our brand and the high level of sewing technology in Japan that is the fruit of our brand's passion. 

With your support, in addition to producing and delivering the returned Kimono Gowns, we would like to produce a promotional video to promote KUDEN and convey the brand message to the public. Below is a PV of KUDEN. We would like to shoot a follow-up video to this one.


Brand message PV of KUDEN by TAKAHIRO SATO

"Is fashion at someone else's expense cool?"


Starring Kenta Kambara, wheelchair dancer


Marron, the sewing factory that made KUDEN's first clothes, went bankrupt due to the apparel industry's practice of low wages and short delivery times. We witnessed the loss of jobs of skilled sewing craftsmen right in front of our eyes.  Is it cool to prioritize profits only for the brand and sacrifice someone else for fashion, even though we aim to employ people with disabilities, etc.? I would be ashamed to let my son wear such clothes. Kenta Kambara passionately expresses such a simple yet powerful message in his Samurai Mode Jacket.

KUDEN is a brand that does not just sell things.

It is difficult to express this through a website, but through this crowdfunding campaign, we would like many people to know about KUDEN by TAKAHIRO SATO. 

I want it to be the world where the father designer who becomes 48 years old this year can live in the world without parents of children with disabilities with a resolution to work and be pleased with someone, get compensation, and buy what he likes even if it is a small amount. This brand was created to challenge such a dream.

I believe that a world where my disabled son is happy is a world that is kind to everyone. Please lend me your power. I will do my best with all my heart to live up to your support.

Thank you for reading my long letter.

Takahiro Sato

Thank you for reading.
See you in next week issue.



■ 3. Original serialization for KUDEN Charity , Novel “KUDEN Samurai Sword Jam”

Make the world just a little bit better by wearing your favorite "cool & kawaii" clothes!

KUDEN, a fashion brand founded by a father with a mentally handicapped and autistic son, and Japan's leading animators, manga artists, and illustrators collaborated for a charity project.

This novel is based on a charity that was started in 2021-2022 to create jobs at welfare centers for the handicapped and sewing factories with the help of animation and manga.Animation Director Mr. Ryosuke Takahashi famous for Blue Comet SPT Layzner(Armored Trooper Votoms, Fang of the Sun Dougram) , Character Designer & Animator Mr. Moriyasu Taniguchi (Armored Trooper Votoms , Captain Tsubasa, Samurai Champloo ), a combination of the TV animation "Blue Comet SPT Layzner" (We also received supportive comments from mechanical designer Mr.Kunio Okawara), voice actors Mr.Kazuhiko Inoue (Kakashi from Naruto, Nyanko sensei from Natsume's Book of Friends ), Rune Sasaki (Alfine from Crusher Joe , Vanessa Layard from Macross), and other splendid animators, manga artists, and illustrator teachers who have drawn characters in KUDEN clothing. Their character designs are printed on KUDEN's clothes and bags. (Currently being re-prepared for permanent installation)

Its characters and worldview have been adapted into a novel by Takahiro Sato of KUDEN and serialized in Hobby Japan's Novel Up+! ( English version is publishedon Wattpad)The story is about a father who is the last sword smith struggling for his disabled son.


Novel 「KUDEN 口伝 -Samurai Sword Jam-」
Ep.04 "Samurai-Dan" 02

“Someone broke into the control room of space elevator’s power center. They slaughtered 20 of our security members. In addition, 2 researchers are missing from institute. In addition, there have been a number of murders targeting Samurai-Dan members in the Sakura District and other neighboring districts. In even more serious incidents, a steel katana, a national important weapon, was reported stolen by someone today.”

Jin, the deputy leader of the Samurai-Dan, did not try to hide his anger at the sacrifices of his comrades.

The space elevator security was the role of the tenth squad, a patrolling team that was in charge of protecting the security of Bell Country.

Harada, the leader of the tenth squad, changed from his smiling face to a serious one, and reported the incident based on the surveillance cameras on the screen and a diagram of the space elevator facilities.

The images of the scene of the sacrificed members of the squad were so horrific that one wanted to cover one's eyes.

The cut surfaces were so beautiful that they looked like objects in a sea of blood, and the expressions on the faces of the members who had already expired were more stunned than anguished, as if they had expired before realizing that they had been cut. It was as if they had died before realizing that they had been cut down.



Everyone was silent at the bizarre sight.

It was easy to imagine that this was the work of someone with tremendous swordsmanship, especially if they are leader of a Samurai-Dan.

“The report above is from the frontline. I conveyed my deepest condolences and compensation from the government to the 20 members of the tenth squad, Sakura District group, and their families, and promised the bereaved families that I would drag out the culprits and clear their regret.”

“......... Tommy was having a baby soon and was picking out clothes even though he didn't know if it was a boy or a girl yet. Yoshioka will be retiring soon, and he planned to open a cafe with his wife after that. to fulfill his wife's dream, who had supported him all his life as he risked his life to work. He often talked foolishly to me, asking me to introduce him to anyone special. Remy often brought us sweets. He didn't speak to me for three days because I was telling him to go on a diet. Leonard was a dedicated practitioner and we would often meet in the dojo for hand-to-hand combat. He didn't have great sense, but he worked hard and said he would be a leader one day! Zhou was a good cook and cooked dinner for us when he was on guard shift and said he would teach me how to make that delicious fried rice the next time we met but next time is not com……………Ugh. Damn it, damn it! I'll never forgive! Aaah!”


“I know, Mr.Jin. I know...”

“Caroline, Ivan, Mikhail, Tatsunori, Anik, Yasmin, Zun, Hugo, Tada, Fai, Takahashi, Armin, Joichiro, Huang... I want you all to help me to avenge the deaths of these 20 people.”

Harada looked around at the assembled members and bowed deeply. None spoke a word. However, their faces were filled with determination to avenge their brothers' deaths.

Ep.04 "Samurai-Dan" 02

To be continued...



■ 4. What is traditional Japanese culture?|Performing arts, crafts, events, food, clothing, and housing
During the Edo period (1603-1868), many artisans, including woodworkers, moved to Nikko when the Nikko Toshogu Shrine was being built.I was born in such a place, and in my childhood, I had a lot of contact with various artisans. There was a skilled knife smith who lived in the neighborhood where I was born and raised, and he took care of me from a young age and taught me how to forge knives.
This experience is the starting point of inspiration for my designs, as I love to make things.
Japanese traditional culture. I will introduce the arts, crafts, events, clothing, food, and shelter from a designer's point of view.


【The World of Ningyo Joruri Bunraku - a Traditional Japanese Performing Art -】Part03

Ningyo Joruri Bunraku.Ningyo joruri (puppet theater) was created by combining joruri, the art of storytelling in which stories are told and listened to with instruments such as the shamisen and biwa, with the art of puppet performance.

※Ningyo joruri was born from the joruri, a form of oral literature, music, or performing arts that originated in medieval Japan.
※Joruri is a type of music for the theater in which the shamisen is used as an accompaniment and the tayu recites lyrics.

There are three roles that make up Ningyo Joruri Bunraku puppet theater. They are called “Sangyo". "Sangyo" is a trinity of comprehensive entertainment consisting of the tayu, shamisen player, and puppeteer.

Mr. Sakiju Toyotake, KUDEN's Global Ambassador, is the "Tayu" in the above. We will be introducing her in a three-part series, including a video interview on why he became a tayu.

This is the first issue of them. Please visit our website.


Check the interview



■ 5.Q&A

▽Open to questions for KUDEN and designer Tak▼
We welcome your comments, requests, and questions for KUDEN by TAKAHIRO SATO and designer Takahiro Sato.We will answer your questions in our weekly mail magazine.We look forward to hearing from you.

Please mention “mail magazine Q&A Section” before sending your question.

※Please note in advance that not all questions can necessarily be answered.

Due to the author's busy schedule, Q&A will not be available this week. We will start answering your questions in the next week.

【Ask a question to us】
Please mention “mail magazine Q&A Section” before sending your question.
From here>>

■ 6.Media & Serials and introduction of mail magazine serial-contents


Up-and-coming Fashion Magazine

SF adventure
Novel「 KUDEN Samurai Sword Jam」
Powered by Hobby Japan 
“Novelup plus” 
Free reading

Free reading

ーー【Introduction of mail magazine contents】ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー
The following is a list of contents that are being serialized in the Rinlife mail magazine. The contents will be posted weekly on an irregular basis. Subscribers to the mail magazine can read archived articles on the website.

●What is traditional Japanese culture?|Performing arts, crafts, events, food, clothing, and housing
During the Edo period (1603-1868), many artisans, including woodworkers, moved to Nikko when the Nikko Toshogu Shrine was being built.I was born in such a place, and in my childhood, I had a lot of contact with various artisans. There was a skilled knife smith who lived in the neighborhood where I was born and raised, and he took care of me from a young age and taught me how to forge knives.This experience is the starting point of inspiration for my designs, as I love to make things.Japanese traditional culture. I will introduce the arts, crafts, events, clothing, food, and shelter from a designer's point of view.

The World of Ningyo Joruri Bunraku - a Traditional Japanese Performing Art - Latest article in vol.002

●KUDEN clothes care point by staff Sena 
Sena, a KUDEN staff member, also handles PR, translation, and voice acting. But within the company, he is known as the ironing master. Sena has always loved ironing and does it before each KUDEN photo shoot, and since KUDEN's clothes have gimmicks and designs not found in other brands, ironing requires a certain knack. This is a care corner by Sena, who receives tips and advice from sewing artisans and concierges.

→"Can wash the Samurai Mode Series at home or not? List" Latest article in Vol.003

●KUDEN History「Live like traveling」
After falling into bankruptcy, falling ill, being separated from my son, and hitting rock bottom, I decided that I create a place where I could work with my disabled son in the future. I decided to start KUDEN with this goal in mind. Through encounters with various people, KUDEN has come to be what it is today. People who want to become fashion designers. People who are interested in how to start a new business in this era, people who like KUDEN's clothes and want to know more about KUDEN. For those who want to get hints for overcoming hardships and adversities, and for those who love children with disabilities, we will weave a memoir of KUDEN's history from its origins to the present.
→KUDEN History「Live like traveling」Part 03 “Stay in the Philippines: Fatherhood and Management Side”(Latest article in Vol.006)

Archive from here



・Edited/Published by:KUDEN by TAKAHIRO SATO(Gerbera Design Inc.)


All copyrights to the contents of "KUDEN凛rinlife" belong to the editor/publisher.Please refrain from reprinting, forwarding, or re-editing most or all of the contents of this e-mail magazine without permission.Quotations on personal blogs and social networking services for non-commercial purposes are acceptable as long as the source is clearly stated.© 2023 KUDEN by TAKAHIRO SATO /Gerbera Design Inc,


┃K┃U┃D┃E┃N┃【 凛rin life 】
/ Issued 28th April, 2023 /
