Hakkake parts -Vintage- for Hakkake skirt


Designer's Voice

KUDEN does not throw away designs nor clothes.
Designs that can be loved for 10 years is an important philosophy of KUDEN.
Based on this philosophy, KUDEN sells vintage haori and kimonos as an activity to deliver them to those in need.
However, there are some items that cannot be sold because they are badly soiled or stained from years of use.
We wondered if there was a way to reuse the usable parts of such beloved haori and kimonos and cherish them to the last, instead of simply discarding them.
That is when I came up with the idea for the half collar parts of KUDEN's Juban shirts and the hakkake parts of the hakkake skirts.
Unfolding a kimono and turning it into fabric is a very time-consuming process. However, we are finally ready and start selling KUDEN's kimono clothing parts using fabrics from vintage haori and kimono that cannot be sold due to stains or other reasons.
These are one-of-a-kind pieces made from vintage haori and kimono. Don't miss this once-in-a-lifetime encounter with only a few pieces in the world.

-Takahiro Sato