Novel “KUDEN Samurai Sword Jam” Ep.03 The Planet 02
“In this incident, someone broke into the space elevator. No substantial damage , no problem with the operation of the space elevator and its facilities.
20 members of Samurai-Dan who assigned to guard the facility staff were killed by someone.
2 facility researchers are missing.
Facility staffs saw suspicious noises and figures but the perpetrators and their purpose are unknown yet.”
Jin Hijikata throws a look at Harada, the leader of tenth squad to urge him to speak.
“I am Harada, the leader of Samurai-Dan tenth squad, responsible for the role of the patrols to guard the towns and facilities.
20 my team member killed were slaughtered in pieces, they were mainly responsible for security to power house.
One of the missing researcher is from energy department and the other is from cybernetics department.
We already finished investigation at the scene and currently working with leader Lee , the leader of investigation team fourth squad, to research for missing personnel and clues to the perpetrators.”
Lee Matsubara follows just as Harada finishes speaking.
“Now, there have been no criminal reports from anyone, so we focus on clue, whereabouts of 2 missing researchers and the motive for their disappearance.
In addition, this is the first time that an intruder has been allowed to enter the facility since the establishment of the space elevator, it’s an unprecedented incident.
For this reason, I think it’s imperative that we Samurai-Dan work in cooperation with the Defence Force to investigate the incident and immediately take measures to prevent its recurrence. So I propose to establish the task force of the Defence Force and Samurai-Dan.”
Commander of Defence Force Greg nodded broadly.
“There is no indication that anyone has invaded our borders or airspace now.
We have also found no anomalies in the defenses and radars deployed in each of our district.
Therefore, we can consider both lines of possibility, terrorism by someone within Bell and terrorism from other countries or planets.
It is possible that the intrusion was allowed to take place before the crime was committed.
Our force is primarily a defense organization against other countries and airspace so I have no objection to the establishment the task force with Samurai-Dan, who more domestically based and protects the security of the Bell.”
“I’m a commander of Air Force, Muller. So far no suspicious aircraft have been detected on government or civilian spacecraft or planes entering or leaving our country.
So far no suspicious aircraft have been detected on government or civilian spacecraft or planes entering or leaving our country.
Even with regard to civilian travel into space via the space elevator, we have strict criteria for obtaining passports, making it difficult for the perpetrators of terrorism to infiltrate.
However, it is a fact that they were allowed to enter.
Leave no stone unturned until find them, and we need to take immediate countermeasures.”
“What do you think? Edward. Sogen.”
Takanori Kusunoki asks the heads of both groups to agree.
“Sure thing.”
Edward nods and looks over Greg.
“As you wish.”
Sogen Kondo answer and then order Jin Hijikata.
“Then, Jin. Coordinate with the Defence Force and select the members quickly.”
“Yes, sir.”
“Wait a minute!”
Harada sounds , feels awkward.
“In a domestic incident not directly related to terrorism, there have been a series of incidents in which members of Samurai-Dan have been slashed to death by someone.
The killing method is the same as this terrorist attacks. It’s so similar.
The deceased were cut to pieces relentlessly with sharp blades like katana.
It’s unusual for member of Samurai-Dan to be beaten so severely, even if they are not the in army force. Perhaps there is some connection to this terrorism.”
Lee’s mobile phone, investigation team, cuts through the heavy air.
Jin Hijikata glares at him, as if to tell him to switch it off, but Lee takes the phone without care.
“What’s up?”
All eminent members turn their attention to Lee’s face.
“It’s from Armed Development Unit at headquarters, and they say katana made of steel Hagane has been stolen by someone.”
Lee doesn’t miss the slightly stiffened faces of Takanori Kusunoki, Mikiyasu Goto Edward and Kondo, who can not hide their agitation.
Ep.03 The Planet 02 Fin.
To be continued next week. ………………………………………………………………