Novel「KUDEN 口伝 -Samurai Sword Jam-」
Ep.02 Wheelchair Samurai 02
"Hey, he's in a wheelchair, isn't he? How can he fight in that thing?”
"Oops, it's Nagakura, the genius swordsman of the 2nd squad. Well, I think the match is decided now.”
Kenta has a well-trained, flexible, slender body with two katana at each side, sharp eyes, and seemed to be in early twenties at his age.
However, he is wheelchair-bound person.
On the other hand, that man, Nagakura who was called a genius swordsman by the audience, had a seemingly kindly face, but his body is also well-trained with dense muscles.
Rather than having a sharp look in his eyes, he did not have a very forward expression.
He wears a quiet atmosphere.
When they reached the center, 2 men look at each other quietly.
“Serene, how would you analyze? "
Angie Saito, the leader of the 3rd squad, asks right-hand woman of her Serena, the vice leader.
“My leader, normally, Nagakura would have the advantage, but we could easily know from his well-honed spirit that he is nothing to sneeze at. This is something to behold.”
Serene is looking at the device in her hand and beginning to analyze this match.
Beside her, Angie says happily, looking at the two in the center.
"Well, the winner of this one will get to play me next, so either way, I'm looking forward to it."
Serene doesn't care about Angie as she always does and went on with her analysis.
Kenta stared into Nagakura's eyes and remembered the reason for his journey.
...... I get a real steel katana. The katana is repeatedly forged to remove impurities. Until it becomes pure steel.
Beaten, stretched, forged, these process makes a sharp steel Katana without breaking and bending.
I walk my way of life like such a Katana…
Nagakura confronted Kenta, and when he saw his strength, he could not contain his elation.
“What they are eyeing. I don't think this guy is someone I can take it easy on and win.
I'm sorry, but I'm going to give it everything I've got from the beginning.”
Saying so, Nagakura draws his Katana from its sheath and takes a low, lower stance.
Kenta stares at Nagakura, trying not to be defeated by Nagakura's extraordinary spirit.
“Nothing better.”
Kenta drew his Katana 3with both hands, one blade pointing toward the heavens and the other toward his opponent.
......I've always been willing to take on the pressure of any challenge, no matter how big or how difficult it is.I want to know.
How strong I can be with just my body ......
The tension between the two grows to its maximum, and the shout to begin resounds.
As soon as the signal is over, the two men step forward in a blink of an eye that the audience cannot follow.
Kenta swings from the heavens, the upper level, Nagakura swings up from the lower and rubs up on Kenta's Katana.
Katana and Katana spark violently.
A moment after the sparks, the slash, which is too fast and exceeds the speed of sound, is delayed and generates a shockwave from the center of the stadium.
The audience goes silent.
The two fly back and forth between each other, positioning themselves.
“Not bad.” “You too.”
Weeeeeee Woooooooooo Weeeee Wooooooo
A high-pitched alarm sounded not only in the studiam, but throughout the town, as if to water down the battle between the two.
A high-pitched alarm sounded not only in the hall, but throughout the town, as if to water down the battle between the two.
"Enough! There!"
"This is the Emergency alert. Cancel the tournament immediately, and the all member of Samurai squad return to their posts. Leader and vice-leader of all units to the task force! Immediately! Everyone in the stadium, please follow the instructions and evacuate immediately!
"Shit. We've been interrupted. Later again."
Nagakura then puts his katana in sheath.
Despite the panic and confusion of the crowd, two black figures leap out of the audience.
"Arthur! Let's go! This is the emergency alarm for the space elevator! If you're late again, you'll be dodged! " "Leader Angie! I'll be there as soon as I can! " "I know, I know Serene"
Angie said in Kenta's ear.
'If you like, come join the Samurai Dan. We'd welcome you! "
......When...... Kenta doesn't feel a sign, he is surprised to see Angie approaching him.
Kenta sheathes his katana.
There are still some strong ones in this world.
Amidst the alarming mayhem, he swears to train for even greater heights.
"Princess Misa! Please hurry!"
'Wait a minute, I can't run away first!"
"Target is not here. This emergency alert tells us something trouble about a space elevator. It is this town, this country that is being targeted! What someone target is this city, this country!"
Misa bit her lip as she thought of the situation.
"Princess Misa! Please hurry!"
'Wait a minute, I can't run away first!"
"Target is not here. This emergency alert tells us something trouble about a space elevator. It is this town, this country that is being targeted! What someone target is this city, this country!"
Misa bit her lip as she thought of the situation.
"I understand, Gen-jii. Let's go back."
Misa turned around and stared at the space elevator towering high into the alarm-blinking sky.
Ep.02 “Wheelchair Samurai”